Thank You For Your Interest
We are glad that you are taking the time to consider making financial and in-kind sponsorships for Hon*Celerator. The City & County of Honolulu is hosting the event but funding will come from the community.
Hon*Celerator Needs You!
There’s a global movement to organize and collaborate around ways to use the Web to shape better local government and communities. We are fortunate that Honolulu has embraced this ethos and is looking to Hon*Celerator to bring together the community and City resources to collaborate on new ideas. Become a part of that movement by supporting Hon*Celerator with your financial and in-kind contributions or sponsorship.
How Are Funds Used?
Funds for Hon*Celerator will go toward facilities rental, foods, supplies, and prizes for app challenge winners. We would like to raise about $20K in total.
Fiscal Agent
The fiscal agent for Hawaii Open Data, organizers of Hon*Celerator is Interisland Terminal, a 501c.3 non-profit organization in Hawaii. Contributions are 100% tax deductible in the United States. In other countries, check your local tax laws.
Checks for Hon*Celerator should be made out to “Interisland Terminal”. Include “Hon*Celerator” in the memo field. Checks should be mailed to:
P.O. Box 152
Honolulu, HI 96810
Attn: Burt Lum
Donations are also accepted online and will go directly to Interisland Terminal and credited to Hon*Celerator.
Sponsorship Levels
These programs are designed to provide a basic set of options. We are always open to discussing other options. For more information please contact:
Burt Lum
bytemarks [at] gmail (dot) com
Platinum – $5000
In return, your organization will be featured prominently in communications, Web presence and event displays for each sponsored Hon*Celerator.
This includes:
- TV/Radio Mention
- Press Release Mention
- Website Logo (varying placements)
- Social Media Mentions
- Lunch Sponsor
- Breakfast Sponsor
- Main Stage Logo
- Sponsor Banner
Gold – $2500
In return, your organization will be featured prominently in communications, Web presence and event displays for each sponsored Hon*Celerator.
This includes:
- TV/Radio Mention
- Press Release Mention
- Website Logo (varying placements)
- Social Media Mentions
- Sponsor Banner
Silver – $1000
In return, your organization will be featured prominently in communications, Web presence and event displays for each sponsored Hon*Celerator.
This includes:
- Press Release Mention
- Website Logo (varying placements)
- Social Media Mentions
- Sponsor Banner
Bronze – $500
In return, your organization will be featured prominently in communications, Web presence and event displays for each sponsored Hon*Celerator.
This includes:
- Website Logo (varying placements)
- Social Media Mentions